Joint Declaration of Representatives of the Haulers

Threats for transportation in Europe – Mobility Suite.
Mobility Suite
The work on the applications regarding the Mobility Suite has been proceeding since May 2017. This is one of the most important subjects currently processed on the EU forum. Polish transport companies as well as carriers from other countries that present similar postulates support solutions that aim at improving working conditions in the road transport sector (including measures that aim at preventing unfair competition, the possibility to use waybills), but without sacrificing free competition in terms of conducting international road shipping and the competitiveness of EU economy. Companies that support our stance include Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Hungary.
The Current Status
On January 10 th, 2019, during a vote, two of three reports of TRAN Members were rejected. These regulated:
• New rules of delegating employees in the transport sector
• The use of weekly rest periods by drivers
However, before the next vote in the EU Parliament, there are still many unsettled issues limiting the equal treatment of carriers from various countries.
The processed regulations, in their final form, shall be legislated after the negotiations of the EU Council, the EU Parliament and the EU Commission. Whether the final regulations are signed in this term of office depends on the next meeting of the Parliament.
Click to read the joint declaration presenting the stance of carriers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Hungary: